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已有 716 次阅读2006-12-26 04:30

天气: 大风
心情: 平静
      Many people think earn more money in the work is most important than work with interest. I disagree that because I think it is wrong. I think the interest is more important in the work. First, if you dislike the job, you do the job because of higher wage. You will unhappy.You will unhealthy.More and more money is useless when you are unhealthy. Money can't cure you. You will disability. You will fail in the work. You will sad because of it. Second is opposite situation, if you really like the job, you will happy in the work.It could good for your health. No matter how much salary do you earn, you don't care because you love the job, you are interested in this job, then you can good at this job. So you will be a superperson in this job. This is a good and accurate goal. Finally,I want to say to many people, you can't get the happy when you are rich.  






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