有一阵子被shaw逼疯了,电话里面怒起来。下面是一段回忆录(英文方面可能有错误,就不要挑刺了)<br /><br />问"do you have any higher bandwidth package or any advanced offer?"<br />shaw:"no."<br />问"you mean I have to cut off my calbe bacuse I don't have no option?"<br />shaw:"so you want to cancel your plan?"<br />问"Do I have any other option?"<br />shaw:"hold for a moment..."<br />若干秒后,他回来了 <br />shaw:"you can use business plan or have a fiber connection."<br />问:"how much for the fiber?"<br />shaw:"I dont know, you can contact another department which will give the information about fiber."<br /><br />转到Fiber那边.一个很凶恶的男人解了<br />shaw:"fiber connection only avaliable in specified aera.."<br /><br />我日啊。没有更好的选择,唯一的希望却是只能在部分地区使用的光纤。。<br />后来联系Allstream(MTS公司母公司?提供高带宽线路和高流量服务的ISP),给我回信。<br />$1380/month,10M的专用线路(上下)。月流量无限,独立IP,客户对象“专业企业级网站”。<br /><br />傻了,抽他丫的。