原帖由 我特烦 于 2008-6-20 10:03 发表 * y: V n) }1 n8 q+ b4 u, i* J
请问有没有高手知道我用debit买的ups回程信封,LA会不会用?? 7 s, Z0 s! Q7 I+ ?' ~; _1 [4 c
" l/ _8 M1 T! f! ^- M9 ?
我没有用ups邮寄过, 所以不清楚到底是什么情况哦, 我猜想可能这段话是新加的吧, 否则你怎么会不知道呐, 就传上来了,是移民要求邮寄护照信里面的内容。 你自己判断吧。 5 p* b. R3 @# n% fYou may send us your passport(s) by post or by commercial courier. Please ensure that you enclose a tracking number for your return envelope. We will return your passports by courier envelope ONLY where you have pre-paid the courier company for the returnservice or if you have an account with the courier company (we do not accpet payment in the form of check or credit card for expedited return by courier or express mail). In the absence of pre-payment of the return freight, we will return your passports by certified mail via the US Postal Service. USPS Express or Priority mail envelopes which do not carry the appropriate postage (metered postage not accepted) will be returned by certified mail.
哈哈.我也收到EMAIL和电话留言说要求寄护照的信了,但我还没收到信.那我能不能提前寄出呢.有些什么要求吗.比如照片还是这个规格吗? ( d/ I3 x& K( I# A1: Measure between 25 mm and 35 mm (1\'\' and 1 3/8\'\') from chin to crown 2 G$ {8 K7 o% r0 y 2: have a 35mm x 45 mm (1 3/8\'\' x 1 3/4\'\')finished size5 F5 D/ Y) A& u9 T% d( c
(45mm=(1 3/4); 35mm=(1 3/8\'\'); Max. 35mm=(1 3/8\'\'); Min.25mm=(1\'\'))
原帖由 俺是种田地 于 2008-6-20 12:40 发表 9 D5 B: z+ @' Y" I5 U
哈哈.我也收到EMAIL和电话留言说要求寄护照的信了,但我还没收到信.那我能不能提前寄出呢.有些什么要求吗.比如照片还是这个规格吗? 5 m/ Z7 V, G, d5 Z1: Measure between 25 mm and 35 mm (1\'\' and 1 3/8\'\') from chin to crown 3 C3 Y) d; T [& L. Z9 ~; E1 K1 A ...
# n1 }7 k3 y' q4 Q" Z
不可以提前寄, 因为需要移民局要求你邮寄护照信的复印件还有附件。