大题怎么弄啊? 没有输入框 看HELP也看不懂
Input an Answer
Answering a question is done in a " oint and Click" fashion by opening a dialog box, and then typically entering data using your keyboard. Shaded areas are meant to indicate that a user input is required. A common answer type is a single numerical answer. The answer input is shaded by default, and a click on this input opens a dialog box enabling you to insert your answer. Click again or press enter to close the dialog box.
You can also perform certain arithmetical operations directly in your answer box if needed. These include the basic operations addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and exponentiation (^). It also includes, if you need, certain common functions such as log, ln, sin,cos, etc.
On a few occasions you may have to make a selection; in this case simply click on the answer box and a menu will open allowing you to make the selection of your choice.
我是电脑白痴啊 哪位高人给解释解释??? |