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16934 18
North District

Elementary Schools
Champlain - Grades: N-6
Principal: Barbara Myron
275 Church Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2W 1B7
Phone: (204) 586-5139, Fax: (204) 589-4607
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/Champlain/
Location  click here

Faraday - Grades: N-6
Principal: Richard Cockrem
405 Parr Street, Winnipeg, MB R2W 5G1
Phone: (204) 586-8583, Fax: (204) 589-7731
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/faraday
Location  click here

Garden Grove - Grades: N-6
Principal: Paul Sutherland
2340 Burrows Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2R 1W1
Phone: (204) 633-6477, Fax: (204) 632-6032
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/GardenGrove/
Location  click here

Inkster - Grades: N-6
Principal: Sandra Intrater
633 Inkster Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB R2W 0L3
Phone: (204) 589-4383, Fax: (204) 582-1736
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/inkster/
Location  click here

Lord Nelson - Grades: N-6
Principal: Luba Krosney
820 McPhillips Street, Winnipeg, MB R2X 2J7
Phone: (204) 586-9625, Fax: (204) 582-6558
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/lordnelson
Location  click here

Luxton - Grades: N-6
Principal: Rita Trautmann
111 Polson Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2W 0M5
Phone: (204) 589-4368, Fax: (204) 586-2450
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/luxton/
Location  click here

Prairie Rose Elementary - Grades: K-6
Principal: Janice Pitts
105 Lucas Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2R 2S8
Phone: (204) 633-4092, Fax: (204) 633-4902Location  click here

Robertson - Grades: N-6
Principal: Pamela Ball
550 Robertson Street, Winnipeg, MB R2X 2C4
Phone: (204) 589-4745, Fax: (204) 589-7293
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/Robertson/default.htm
Location  click here

Tyndall Park - Grades: N-6
Principal: Darryl Stevenson
2221 King Edward Street, Winnipeg, MB R2R 1M5
Phone: (204) 633-0065, Fax: (204) 632-5953
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/TyndallPark/Default.asp
Location  click here

Elementary and Junior High Schools
Lansdowne - Grades: N-8
Principal: Chantelle Deslauriers-Gray
715 Wiginton Street, Winnipeg, MB R2X 2G2
Phone: (204) 338-7039, Fax: (204) 334-3561
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/Lansdowne/Default.htm
Location  click here

Meadows West - Grades: N-8
Principal: Roger Le Grand
150 Inkster Garden Drive, Winnipeg, MB R2R 2R8
Phone: (204) 694-6755, Fax: (204) 633-5354
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/Meadowswest/
Location  click here

Ralph Brown - Grades: N-8
Principal: Karin Freiling
460 Andrews Street, Winnipeg, MB R2W 4Y1
Phone: (204) 589-7355, Fax: (204) 589-0100
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/ralphbrown/default.asp
Location  click here

Shaughnessy Park - Grades: N-8
Principal: Brenda Pundyk
1641 Manitoba Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2X 0M3
Phone: (204) 586-8376, Fax: (204) 586-6094
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/shaughnessy
Location  click here

Stanley Knowles - Grades: N-8
Principal: John Drzystek
2424 King Edward Street, Winnipeg, MB R2R 2R2
Phone: (204) 694-0483, Fax: (204) 694-7509
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/stanleyknowles
Location  click here

Junior High Schools
Andrew Mynarski V.C. - Grades: 7-9
Principal: Doug Taylor
1111 Machray Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2X 1H6
Phone: (204) 586-8497, Fax: (204) 582-2702
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/andrewmynarski
Location  click here

Isaac Newton - Grades: 7-9
Principal: Sharon Pekrul
730 Aberdeen Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2W 1W9
Phone: (204) 586-9606, Fax: (204) 589-5153
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/isaacnewton/
Location  click here

Junior and Senior High Schools
St. John's High School - Grades: 7-12
Principal: Linda Bulka
401 Church Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2W 1C4
Phone: (204) 589-4374, Fax: (204) 582-5891
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/stjohns/
Location  click here

Senior High Schools
Sisler High School - Grades: 9-12
Principal: George Heshka
1360 Redwood Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2X 0Z1
Phone: (204) 589-8321, Fax: (204) 586-0625
Website: http://www.sislerhigh.org/
Location  click here
Central District
Clifton - Grades: N-6
Principal: Mary-Jo Hodge
1070 Clifton Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2T7
Phone: (204) 783-7792, Fax: (204) 783-9078
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/clifton/
Location  click here

George V - Grades: N-6
Principal: Gisele Mospanchuk  
265 Grey Street, Winnipeg, MB R2L 1V6
Phone: (204) 669-4482, Fax: (204) 654-2891
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/george_v/Default.htm
Location  click here

Glenelm - Grades: N-6
Principal: Brian Peterson
96 Carmen Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2L 0E6
Phone: (204) 667-8534, Fax: (204) 654-2892
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/glenelm/index.htm
Location  click here

Greenway - Grades: N-6
Principal: Garth German
390 Burnell Street, Winnipeg, MB R3G 2A8
Phone: (204) 775-2455, Fax: (204) 783-9544
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/greenway
Location  click here

Kent Road - Grades: N-6
Principal: Diane Zakala
361 Kent Road, Winnipeg, MB R2L 1X9
Phone: (204) 669-1228, Fax: (204) 654-2897
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/KentRoad/
Location  click here

Laura Secord - Grades: N-6
Principal: Roberta Hechter
960 Wolseley Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3G 1E7
Phone: (204) 786-4796, Fax: (204) 783-7607
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/laurasecord/
Location  click here

Lord Selkirk - Grades: N-6
Principal: Lizbeth Wiley
170 Poplar Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2L 2B6
Phone: (204) 667-8495, Fax: (204) 667-0753
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/lordselkirk/
Location  click here

Principal: Pat Burgess
120 Tecumseh, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2A9
Phone: (204) 477-6391, Fax: (204) 783-8948
Location  click here

Principal Sparling - Grades: N-6
Principal: Denise Smith
1150 Sherburn Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2N4
Phone: (204) 783-6195, Fax: (204) 786-6373
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/principalsparl/
Location  click here

River Elm - Grades: N-6
Principal: Tom Chan
500 Riverton Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2L 0N9
Phone: (204) 667-9006, Fax: (204) 654-2899
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/riverelm/
Location  click here

Weston - Grades: N-6
Principal: Gayle Alex
1410 Logan Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3E 1R9
Phone: (204) 775-2591, Fax: (204) 775-6212
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/weston/
Location  click here

Wolseley - Grades: N-6
Principal: Heather Boswick-Stanus
511 Clifton Street, Winnipeg, MB R3G 2X3
Phone: (204) 783-3237, Fax: (204) 775-6241
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/wolseley
Location  click here

Elementary and Junior HighCecil Rhodes - Grades: N-9
Principal: Marcey Dveris
1570 Elgin Ave., West, Winnipeg, MB R3E 1C2
Phone: (204) 783-9012, Fax: (204) 775-5438
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/cecilrhodes/crsinternet/index.html
Location  click here

Isaac Brock - Grades: N-9
Principal: Sherry Anderson
1265 Barratt Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3G 0L9
Phone: (204) 772-9527, Fax: (204) 783-1806
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/IsaacBrock/
Location  click here

Sacre-Coeur - Grades: N-8
Principal: Donald Tougas
809 Furby Street, Winnipeg, MB R3A 1T2
Phone: (204) 775-2574, Fax: (204) 783-0854
Website: http://blogs.wsd1.org/ecolesacrecoeurLocation  click here

Sargent Park - Grades: N-9
Principal: Fatima Mota
1070 Dominion Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2P4
Phone: (204) 775-8985, Fax: (204) 786-5859
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/SargentPark/
Location  click here

Junior and Senior High Elmwood High School - Grades: 7-12 (Semester 9-12)
Principal: Mike Babb
505 Chalmers Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2L 0G4
Phone: (204) 667-8823, Fax: (204) 654-0028
Location  click here

Senior HighAdolescent Parent Centre
136 Cecil Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3E 2Y9
Phone: (204)775-5440, Fax: (204)783-4365

Daniel McIntyre Collegiate - Grades: 9-12
Principal: Gilles Beaumont
720 Alverstone Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2H1
Phone: (204) 783-7131, Fax: (204) 783-9286
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/DMCI/
Location  click here

Technical Vocational School - Grades: 9-12
Principal: Gordon Crook
1555 Wall Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2S2
Phone: (204) 786-1401, Fax: (204) 774-8375
Website: http://tecvoc.ca/
Location  click here

Winnipeg Adult Education - Grades: 9-12
Principal: Gary Comack
310 Vaughan Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2N8
Phone: (204) 947-1674, Fax: (204) 956-5049
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/waec/
Location  click here
Inner City District
ElementaryDufferin - Grades: N-6
Principal: Suni Matthews
545 Alexander Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3A 0P1
Phone: (204) 774-3409, Fax: (204) 774-6109
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/Dufferin/
Location  click here

Fort Rouge - Grades: N-6
Principal: Leslie Maxwell-Joseph
115 River Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3L 0A8
Phone: (204) 475-5057, Fax: (204) 477-9050
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/FortRouge/
Location  click here

John M. King - Grades: N-6
Principal: Julie Smerchanski
525 Agnes Street, Winnipeg, MB R3G 1N7  
Phone: (204) 775-4404, Fax: (204) 772-6931
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/johnmking/
Location  click here

King Edward - Grades: N-6
Principal: Spencer Clements
825 Selkirk Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2X 2Y6
Phone: (204) 586-8381, Fax: (204) 586-3984
Website: Not available at this time Location  click here

Machray - Grades: N-6
Principal: Gordon Armstrong
320 Mountain Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2W 1K1
Phone: (204) 586-8085, Fax: (204) 589-8222
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/Machray/
Location  click here

Mulvey - Grades N-6
Principal: Peter Correia
750 Wolseley Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3G 1C6
Phone: (204) 786-3469, Fax: (204) 774-2894
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/mulvey/
Location  click here

Norquay - Grades N-6
Principal: Cathryn Smith
132 Lusted Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2W 2P2
Phone: (204) 943-9541, Fax: (204) 943-4715
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/norquay
Location  click here

Pinkham School - Grades: N-6
Principal: Lionel Pang
765 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3E 1G1
Phone: (204) 786-5749, Fax: (204) 783-0597
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/pinkham/
Location  click here

Sister MacNamara - Grades N-6
Principal: Karin Seiler
460 Sargent Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1V5
Phone: (204) 942-6965, Fax: (204) 989-2224
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/sistermac/
Location  click here

Strathcona - Grades: N-6
Principal: Anastasia Sych-Yereniuk
233 McKenzie Street, Winnipeg, MB R2W 4Z2
Phone: (204) 586-8493, Fax: (204) 586-1161
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/strathcona/
Location  click here

Victoria-Albert - Grades N-6
Principal: Aida Rodrigues
110 Ellen Street, Winnipeg, MB R3A 1A1
Phone: (204) 943-3459, Fax: (204) 957-7207
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/VicAlbert/
Location  click here

Wellington - Grade N-6
Principal: Angeline Ramkissoon
690 Beverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2A5
Phone: (204) 774-8085, Fax: (204) 772-2799
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/wellington/
Location  click here

Elementary and Junior HighDavid Livingstone - Grades: N-8
Principal: Debbie Lenhardt-Mair
270 Flora Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2W 2P9
Phone: (204) 586-8346, Fax: (204) 582-0383
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/davidliv/Default.htm
Location  click here

Niji Mahkwa - Grades: N-8
Principal: Robert Riel
450 Flora Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2W 2R8
Phone: (204) 589-6742, Fax: (204) 589-7049
Website: http://www.nijimahkwaschool.org
Location  click here

William Whyte - Grades: N-8
Principal: Kimberley Midford
200 Powers Street, Winnipeg, MB R2W 4P3
Phone: (204) 589-4313, Fax: (204) 586-0144
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/williamwhyte
Location  click here
Junior and Senior High General Wolfe - Grades: 7-9
Principal: Gwen McLean
661 Banning Street, Winnipeg, MB R3G 2G3
Phone: (204) 786-7427, Fax: (204) 775-2882
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/generalwolfe/
Location  click here

Gordon Bell High School - Grades: 7-12
Principal: Arlene Skull
3 Borrowman Place, Winnipeg, MB R3G 1M6
Phone: (204) 774-5401, Fax: (204) 783-9469
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/gordonbell/
Location  click here

Hugh John Macdonald - Grades: 7-9
Principal: Vinh Huynh
567 Bannatyne Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3A 0G8
Phone: (204) 786-5631, Fax: (204) 783-6473
Website: www.wsd1.org/HughJohn/
Location  click here

Senior High School Argyle School - Grades: 10-12
Principal: Patricia Graham
30 Argyle Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0H4
Phone: (204) 942-4326, Fax: (204) 943-1759
Website: http://www.argylealternative.org
Location  click here

Children of the Earth - Grades: 9-12
Principal: Lorne Belmore
100 Salter Street, Winnipeg, MB R2W 4J6
Phone: (204) 589-6383, Fax: (204) 589-4822
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/cote/
Location  click here

R. B. Russell - Grades 9-12
Principal: Beverley Wahl
364 Dufferin Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2W 2Y3
Phone: (204) 589-5301, Fax: (204) 586-1817
Web site: http://rbrussell.org
Location  click here
South District
ElementaryBrock Corydon - Grades: N-6
Principal: Ira Udow
1510 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3N 0J6
Phone: (204) 488-4422, Fax: (204) 489-8764
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/brockcorydon/
Location  click here

Carpathia - Grades: N-6
Principal: Holly Mackie
300 Carpathia Road, Winnipeg, MB R3N 1T3
Phone: (204) 488-4514, Fax: (204) 489-3048
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/Carpathia/
Location  click here

Gladstone - Grades: N-6
Principal: Ray Bates
500 Gertrude Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3L 0M8
Phone: (204) 475-4767, Fax: (204) 475-5687
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/Gladstone/
Location  click here

Grosvenor - Grades: N-6
Principal: Brad Corbett
1045 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3M 0M8
Phone: (204) 475-5242, Fax: (204) 477-6166
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/grosveno/
Location  click here

Harrow - Grades: N-6
Principal: Laurie MacDonald
550 Harrow Street, Winnipeg, MB R3M 3A2
Phone: (204) 453-3347, Fax: (204) 453-1135
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/harrow/
Location  click here

J.B. Mitchell - Grades: N-6
Principal: Marie-France Giasson
1720 John Brebeuf Place, Winnipeg, MB R3N 0M1
Phone: (204) 488-4517, Fax: (204) 488-1465
Location  click here

LaVérendrye - Grades: N-6
Principal: Vince Audino
290 Lilac Street, Winnipeg, MB R3M 2T5
Phone: (204) 452-5015, Fax: (204) 452-2742
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/LaVerendrye/
Location  click here

Lord Roberts - Grades: N-6
Principal: Rosalind Moore
665 Beresford Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3L 1J9
Phone: (204) 453-6639, Fax: (204) 475-0089
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/L_robrts/
Location  click here

Montrose - Grades: N-6
Principal: Robert Stefaniuk
691 Montrose Street, Winnipeg, MB R3M 3M4
Phone: (204) 488-8112, Fax: (204) 488-9895
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/montrose
Location  click here

Queenston - Grades: N-6
Principal: Daphne Nordal
245 Queenston Street, Winnipeg, MB R3N 0W6
Phone: (204) 489-3423, Fax: (204) 488-6839
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/queenst/default.html
Location  click here

Riverview - Grades: N-6
Principal: Grant Bridgeman
253 Maplewood Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3L 2L4
Phone: (204) 284-5983, Fax: (204) 284-8326
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/riverview/default.htm
Location  click here

Robert H. Smith - Grades: N-6
Principal: Tom Rossi
315 Oak Street, Winnipeg, MB R3M 3P8
Phone: (204) 488-1137, Fax: (204) 487-1463
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/Robert_H/default.htm
Location  click here

Rockwood - Grades: N-6
Principal: Curtis Belton
350 Rockwood Street, Winnipeg, MB R3M 3C5
Phone: (204) 452-4210, Fax: (204) 453-1970
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/rockwood/
Location  click here

Elementary and Junior High SchoolsEarl Grey - Grades: N-8
Principal: Gail Singer
340 Cockburn Street North, Winnipeg, MB R3M 2P5
Phone: (204) 474-1441, Fax: (204) 453-4054
Location  click here
Junior High SchoolsÉcole River Heights - Grades: 7-8
Principal: Susan Anderson
1350 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3M 0P2
Phone: (204) 488-7090, Fax: (204) 488-6421
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/RiverHeights/
Location  click here

Junior and Senior High SchoolsChurchill - Grades: 7-12
Principal: Michel Chartrand
510 Hay Street, Winnipeg, MB R3L 2L6
Phone: (204) 474-1301, Fax: (204) 452-5943
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/churchill/
Location  click here

Collège Churchill - Grades: 7-12
Principal: Josie Audino
510 Hay Steet, Winnipeg, MB R3L 2L6
Phone: (204) 474-1305, Fax: (204) 452-0290
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/CollegeChurchill/
Location  click here

Grant Park High School - Grades: 7-12
Principal: Yale Chochinov
450 Nathaniel Street, Winnipeg, MB R3M 3E3
Phone: (204) 452-3112, Fax: (204) 477-5633
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/grantpark/
Location  click here
Senior High Schools Kelvin - Grades: 9-12
Principal: Jim Brown
155 Kingsway, Winnipeg, MB R3M 0G3
Phone: (204) 474-1492, Fax: (204) 453-2116
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/kelvin/
Location  click here
Central District
ElementaryClifton - Grades: N-6
Principal: Mary-Jo Hodge
1070 Clifton Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2T7
Phone: (204) 783-7792, Fax: (204) 783-9078
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/clifton/
Location  click here

George V - Grades: N-6
Principal: Gisele Mospanchuk  
265 Grey Street, Winnipeg, MB R2L 1V6
Phone: (204) 669-4482, Fax: (204) 654-2891
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/george_v/Default.htm
Location  click here

Glenelm - Grades: N-6
Principal: Brian Peterson
96 Carmen Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2L 0E6
Phone: (204) 667-8534, Fax: (204) 654-2892
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/glenelm/index.htm
Location  click here

Greenway - Grades: N-6
Principal: Garth German
390 Burnell Street, Winnipeg, MB R3G 2A8
Phone: (204) 775-2455, Fax: (204) 783-9544
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/greenway
Location  click here

Kent Road - Grades: N-6
Principal: Diane Zakala
361 Kent Road, Winnipeg, MB R2L 1X9
Phone: (204) 669-1228, Fax: (204) 654-2897
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/KentRoad/
Location  click here

Laura Secord - Grades: N-6
Principal: Roberta Hechter
960 Wolseley Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3G 1E7
Phone: (204) 786-4796, Fax: (204) 783-7607
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/laurasecord/
Location  click here

Lord Selkirk - Grades: N-6
Principal: Lizbeth Wiley
170 Poplar Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2L 2B6
Phone: (204) 667-8495, Fax: (204) 667-0753
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/lordselkirk/
Location  click here

Principal: Pat Burgess
120 Tecumseh, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2A9
Phone: (204) 477-6391, Fax: (204) 783-8948
Location  click here

Principal Sparling - Grades: N-6
Principal: Denise Smith
1150 Sherburn Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2N4
Phone: (204) 783-6195, Fax: (204) 786-6373
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/principalsparl/
Location  click here

River Elm - Grades: N-6
Principal: Tom Chan
500 Riverton Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2L 0N9
Phone: (204) 667-9006, Fax: (204) 654-2899
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/riverelm/
Location  click here

Weston - Grades: N-6
Principal: Gayle Alex
1410 Logan Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3E 1R9
Phone: (204) 775-2591, Fax: (204) 775-6212
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/weston/
Location  click here

Wolseley - Grades: N-6
Principal: Heather Boswick-Stanus
511 Clifton Street, Winnipeg, MB R3G 2X3
Phone: (204) 783-3237, Fax: (204) 775-6241
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/wolseley
Location  click here

Elementary and Junior HighCecil Rhodes - Grades: N-9
Principal: Marcey Dveris
1570 Elgin Ave., West, Winnipeg, MB R3E 1C2
Phone: (204) 783-9012, Fax: (204) 775-5438
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/cecilrhodes/crsinternet/index.html
Location  click here

Isaac Brock - Grades: N-9
Principal: Sherry Anderson
1265 Barratt Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3G 0L9
Phone: (204) 772-9527, Fax: (204) 783-1806
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/IsaacBrock/
Location  click here

Sacre-Coeur - Grades: N-8
Principal: Donald Tougas
809 Furby Street, Winnipeg, MB R3A 1T2
Phone: (204) 775-2574, Fax: (204) 783-0854
Website: http://blogs.wsd1.org/ecolesacrecoeurLocation  click here

Sargent Park - Grades: N-9
Principal: Fatima Mota
1070 Dominion Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2P4
Phone: (204) 775-8985, Fax: (204) 786-5859
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/SargentPark/
Location  click here

Junior and Senior High Elmwood High School - Grades: 7-12 (Semester 9-12)
Principal: Mike Babb
505 Chalmers Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2L 0G4
Phone: (204) 667-8823, Fax: (204) 654-0028
Location  click here

Senior HighAdolescent Parent Centre
136 Cecil Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3E 2Y9
Phone: (204)775-5440, Fax: (204)783-4365

Daniel McIntyre Collegiate - Grades: 9-12
Principal: Gilles Beaumont
720 Alverstone Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2H1
Phone: (204) 783-7131, Fax: (204) 783-9286
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/DMCI/
Location  click here

Technical Vocational School - Grades: 9-12
Principal: Gordon Crook
1555 Wall Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2S2
Phone: (204) 786-1401, Fax: (204) 774-8375
Website: http://tecvoc.ca/
Location  click here

Winnipeg Adult Education - Grades: 9-12
Principal: Gary Comack
310 Vaughan Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2N8
Phone: (204) 947-1674, Fax: (204) 956-5049
Website: http://www.wsd1.org/waec/
Location  click here

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评论 18

xiaochenhe  曼省名人  发表于 2009-10-12 22:09:39 | 显示全部楼层
最近一星期 生病也要踩 争取每个我都是沙发
哇吼吼 走过路过 必须飘过

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茉茉  曼省名人  发表于 2009-10-14 19:06:13 | 显示全部楼层
閉丄眼睛 皒看吥見zi巳 卻看見了祢❤︷oО

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362924825  曼省名人  发表于 2009-10-20 20:59:59 | 显示全部楼层

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meihuanggui  贵宾  发表于 2009-10-21 10:03:16 | 显示全部楼层

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paully  曼省名人  发表于 2009-12-28 07:11:21 | 显示全部楼层
搂主辛苦了  南区的高中哪个学校好啊 公立的 和私立的?

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宇昊  曼省名人  发表于 2009-12-28 13:41:37 | 显示全部楼层
回复 6# paully

    st johns 不错。 应该是 南区吧、、

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paully  曼省名人  发表于 2010-1-24 07:53:12 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢了 , 我怎么没找到这个学校呢 能给个连接吗 ? 谁熟悉给介绍介绍,  麻烦了

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宇昊  曼省名人  发表于 2010-1-24 12:53:23 | 显示全部楼层
回复 8# paully


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paully  曼省名人  发表于 2010-2-7 08:46:31 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢了  等我去了请你吃冰激淋

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