If there were truly a God, then he must be so enjoying playing with his people.I was born to believe that one should fight for his own life, as hard as he can.Yet, such design was only to further prove one simple truth: One can never change his fate. There is not pretty much we, anyone can do about it. I sometimes worry about my future, my expected happiness. <br /><br /> Does such happiness exist????<br /><br /> If not, is such craving for happiness normal or childish? My definition of happiness has changed so much. But still, it seems pretty hard to accomplish. What should one do when what he wants contradicts or rather audaciously challenges the mundane world? Lower one’s requirement or stick with it? Either way has pains. Lowering one's standards pains because you have to compromise to the world, especially when you give up some seemed-important restrictions which have bounded your behavior for years. Conceding to anything has always not been a pleasant thing, I insist. The other choice, however, may pain one ever more severely. To believe is difficult and chanllenging. To not to believe, or to change faith in things that you deem important, is dead hard. For my part, to avoid the occasions, I descended all my faiths, since that makes it much easier to at least "feel happy". Sounds a little bit self-deceiving, but what makes you live in the world? And what is, in strict sense, deceit?<br /> "I make decisions so that I feel good."<br /> If that is the typical utilitarian goal, life becomes much easier.However, we are confined in such a little space, where freedom or restriction is incomplete. When either extreme is not reached, the only result glorifies.<br /> How do you conceive "happiness"? That is the utilitarian question one would ask oneself, and that is the only question I ask, and yet, <br /> Je me demande qu'est-ce ce que.<br /> |